Working toward Integrity
Integrity is the cornerstone of having a clear conscience and therefore feeling and living a lighter life. So what keeps your feeling integrous?
It usually boils down to keeping agreements that you’ve made with yourself or others. If you break these agreements you’ll more than likely feel guilty (i.e. your conscience telling you you’re not in integrity). In essence the breaking of agreements are an act of self – sabotage.
Are they healthy agreements that you make? If they’re unhealthy, what’s motivating you to make them to begin with?
Perhaps you avoid making agreements altogether, which may create feelings of passivity or apathy in the world, as you’re not risking any form of challenge.
So what agreements do you make?
Think of an agreement that you’ve made recently and didn’t keep.
What did you make more important?
Sometimes there’s a perceived pay off to breaking your agreements that you may rationalize as being okay in the moment. What are the perceived pay offs?
There may be significant consequences or impact those broken agreements may have on you or others – what are those impacts?
Is the breaking of this agreement a pattern in your life?
See if you can track that pattern back further to other similar or familiar occurrences (ideally to its origins).
Is there a “shadow” part of yourself driving this pattern? (This is the part you’d usually avoid owning but is real /true nonetheless). How would you describe this part of yourself?
Having recognized what’s behind this broken agreement what do you need so as to clear your conscience? What small act of service to nurture yourself will enable you to get back in integrity?
Do you need to call in some form of support to better facilitate this intention / goal? If so, what would that look like?
Author: David Kalmar
Psychology Pathways